Why Are DUI Laws So Strict?

Here is what every Illinois resident driver should know if they get pulled over and asked to take a field sobriety test.

DUI laws are strict in Illinois in an effort to keep the roads safe. Penalties for driving under the influence can be costly personally, financially, and socially. Having a good time may be important to you, but driving under the influence is never a good idea. Driving sober is the surest way to avoid a DUI arrest. If, however, you find yourself arrested for DUI, you may wonder what penalties you are facing. In this article, McClintock Law wants you to understand why DUI laws are so strict in Illinois.

First, it is important to understand the meaning of DUI. “Driving Under the Influence” is defined as operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol, or drugs, including cannabis, intoxicating compounds, and methamphetamine. In Illinois, individuals operating a motor vehicle are considered legally under the influence if they have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or more or have a cannabis concentration of 5 nanograms or more per milliliter of whole blood or 10 nanograms or more per milliliter of other bodily substance; have used any other controlled substance, or are impaired by medication.


A good time can be cut short quickly if drivers are caught driving under the influence. It may feel like laws in Illinois are strict when it comes to DUIs. McClintock Law wants Illinois drivers to be informed of DUI laws so the good time can continue safely:

  1. Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in Illinois is .08.
  2. The Illinois Secretary of State has created a chart to help drivers understand how alcohol consumption affects different body types over a period of time.
  3. Illinois has a Zero Tolerance law for minors who consume alcohol.

Why Measure for Blood Alcohol Content?

There is a legal reason for setting a threshold for measuring a driver’s BAC. These limits are set as a standard for measuring the amount of substance in a person’s body, especially because different body sizes can be affected by alcohol differently. If you are tested and found to be over the BAC limit, you may face some serious implications. 

What Is the Blood Alcohol Content Limit In Illinois?

The Illinois Department of the Secretary of State has released this chart to help individuals consuming alcohol understand alcohol consumption and its effect on the body. 

What Is The Zero Tolerance Law?

Another example of strict DUI laws in Illinois is the Zero Tolerance Law. Under Illinois’ Zero Tolerance Law, a driver under age 21, the legal age to consume alcohol, caught with any trace of alcohol in his or her system will lose driving privileges for a minimum of 2 years with their first conviction. Any trace means any traceable alcohol over .00! Minors who engage in alcohol consumption and are caught with a traceable amount of alcohol may experience the repercussions of the Zero Tolerance Law even if it is the first time they get a DUI charge. 

Our state, just like most across the country, is interested in establishing laws to keep the public safe. If you have been arrested for DUI or other drug and alcohol offenses you have a legal right to representation and you should choose a criminal defense attorney who has experience defending cases like yours. 

Don’t risk ruining your future because of one mistake. Scott and the lawyers at McClintock Law know that if you need help out of a tight spot you want an attorney who understands. If you have been arrested for DUI call McClintock Law for representation that protects your future. Contact McClintock Law by visiting https://www.scottmcclintocklaw.com/ and use the Contact button to be connected with a lawyer who cares about your future. 

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